BRE License 1818896
5965 Village Way, Ste. E105-288,
San Diego, CA 92130
Connie Zhao, Broker BRE#01818896
Connie worked as financial analyst with PNC Bank and Genentech, and system analyst with Bayer before she became a full time realtor in 2007. Holding a Master in Accountancy and Information system. Connie devoted to providing her personal experience to her clients, helping her clients with many aspects in real estate and life. She is the residence in 4S Ranch and Carmel Valley for many years and understands both markets very well. As one of her clients descried her as "She has a sharp eye to spot good properties and she will not hesitate to tell you all the potential problems you might face."
今年是Connie做房地产经纪人的第13年。 在这13年里, 她帮助了很多客户买到了满意的房产。不管是自住还是投资, 她都有自己独到的见解和眼光。
好的agent需要融会很多方面的知识, 地区,学区,房子本身结构材料,贷款,保险等等。 需要对市场敏感,还要对整个社区的人口组成,地理位置,最近成交清清楚楚。 最重要的是能站在客户的立场上为他们着想。这也正是很多agent都做不到的。
Janice Teo, Realtor
Janice is a patient and dedicated real estate professional. She began her career in real estate in 2013 as a Transaction Coordinator under the guidance of Connie Zhao. Janice's passion for real estate is apparent through her knowledge in the real estate market and process, negotiation and communication skills and her warm and friendly approach. She immigrated from Singapore to the US in 2005 and has been a local to San Diego ever since. Her intimate knowledge of this region, and her experiences of having lived here and bringing up her family gives her enthusiasm and desire to make her home in San Diego, her client's home too. Having brought up her three kids in San Diego she is very familiar with the education and school system and often provides advise to new family who wants to raise kids in San Diego. She also works for the Poway Unified School District interpreting job. Janice speaks English, Mandarin, Cantonese, Hokkien and Korean.
新加坡长大的慧娟是不折不扣的语言天才,普通话英语韩语,粤语闽南语潮州话客家话,都可以顺畅交流。来美之前她在新加坡的科技跨国公司工作, 多年的商务经验让她在处理各种问题的过程中思路清晰,井井有条。
慧娟来自一个大家庭, 从小耳睹目染家中长辈做生意的点滴, 她学会很多和多元化客户交流以及如何了解客户需求。 也对优质的客户服务深有体会。
跟随工程师韩国籍先生来了美国之后,在圣地亚哥居住了将近20年。因为语言的优势成为圣地亚哥千万经纪人赵雪的交易管理协调员(Transaction Coordinator),专门处理和协调房产交易的过程。介于对房地产的了解顺理成章成了房产经纪。
慧娟的耐心细致赢得了客户的一致好评。 她不但给客户提供房地产购买和投资的建议, 而且还帮助客户的子女们在学业进步方面提供宝贵的经验。她曾经在圣地亚哥学区办公室担任多年翻译的工作, 对于学区的注册和课程安排都非常的了解。慧娟把自己的三个孩子都培养的十分优秀, 不但学业全优, 而且在课外活动的多方面都很有建树,取得过超凡的成绩。带领客户寻找最佳房产的她也能同时为客户提供她很多对于孩子教育方面的心得体会和宝贵的经验。慧娟这些关于学校, 老师,考试,学业和学习的经验将是她作为您房地产经纪人的附加价值。这是其他房地产经纪人无法复制的。
Kate Fan
BRE License 02089755
Wenli Huang
BRE License 02029462